Moses took a census of Israel in Numbers 1 and in Numbers 26. Here's a chart comparing the number of males aged 20 years or more of the twelve tribes (Levi excluded, as per the Lord's command).
Some observations...
- Manasseh flourished the most; it's male population increased 63.7% (+20,500).
- Simeon lost 62.6% of its male population (-37,100), more than any other tribe.
- At the first census, Ephraim was the larger half-tribe of Joseph; by the second census, Manasseh was the larger.
- Judah was the largest tribe at the time of both censuses.
- Manasseh was the smallest tribe at the time of the first census. By the second census, Simeon was the smallest.
- Judah had the smallest population change percentage-wise, 2.5% (1900 males). Dan had the smallest population change overall, 1700 males (2.7%)
- Overall, Israel's non-Levite population increased by 8150 males (1.4%).